Course curriculum

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    Welcome to Pussy Based Sales!!

    • Course Deets!

    • 💋 Intro to the Pussy-Verse (language & tools)

    • 🔊 Listen on the go!

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    Let's get started!

    • M1: What is P*ssy Based Sales?

    • M2: Offers

    • M3: Lead Gen

    • M4: Qualifying Our Leads

    • M5: Sales Cycle

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    What i'd do if...

    • what I would do if i was new to Pussy Based Sales

    • if i dont have an offer or i need to go over it to make sure its good

    • if you struggle to get consistent/any leads on social

    • if you dont want to waste your time doing sales calls with people who aren't qualified or ready to buy

    • if you're getting crickets online and making it mean you can't sell

    • what i would do if someone ghosted me

    • what i would do if people kept telling me i was inspiring but weren't actually buying

    • what i would do if sales *felt* gross(aka bringing in pleasure)

    • what i would do if i couldn't get people on free calls

    • what i'd do if someone couldn't afford me

    • what I do when coming back from a break or being inconsistent(re: jumping back into selling)

    • what I'd do when someone says "not right now" when selling

    • What I'd do if I kept hearing "I can't afford it" in sales convos

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    Course PDFs

    • Journal Prompts

    • Affirmations

    • Sales Page Components

    • Sales Call Flow

    • Sandwich Mindset Method

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    Bonus Content

    • Bonus Training: Why your messaging isn't converting(and how to change that)

    • Bonus Call September 27

    • Bonus Call October 11

    • Seductive Sales Retreat Reslay

    • HOW to actually let things be easy - The reframe of all reframes that blew me up to 1 Million in sales in 16 months and called in the most amazing man!

    • seductive sales calls 101 - how to show up on sales calls turned on, magnetic, and most importantly, positioned to CONVERT

    • the #1 shift that makes sales feel better

    • wanna makes sales FEEL way better and convert without the pushy slimy grossness?

    • The 2 strategies you need to have to sell from social media

    • tips and thoughts on selling high end coaching right now

    • all things groups and selling

    • watch us edit my sales page live

    • two reasons why your offers might not be selling

    • three things that'll make it easier to sell your offer

    • SALES - lots of thoughts - will add title later lol

    • is being in this energy holding you back from selling more?

    • 5 things to do to eliminate objection handling(or at least make it feel fucking juicy for all parties)

    • 1:1 masterclass!!! - Come learn how to launch and sell out your private coaching!

    • One of the biggest things I see costing people sales right now(and of course how to fix it)

    • Whats working in sales right now - 5 ways to make sure you're not leaving money on the table

    • Ever wonder how often you should be making offers? All the things you need to know and more.

    • $500 to 48k(sales) in a month - a no bullshit look at what it takes

    • How I handle money objections on sales calls

    • Ways to make selling sexier/safer(for you and them) - SEXY SALES TIPS!

    • Offers and how to sell anything!

    • How to actually sell from your posts!

    • Niche - what you need to know to sell + get clients and what you should be skipping(that most biz coaches will tell you to do) - Stop waisting time and leaving money on the table spinning out about your niche - here are the 3 things that will solve it for

    • Lets talk about selling from social - What to do when your audience isn't biting on your offers

    • How to Craft an In Demand Turn On Event

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    Next Steps...

    • More resources for you